isi proposal skripsi

Jumat, 03 Februari 2012

A. Background English is an international language which is studied by a lot of people all the world for certain purpose. In Indonesia many people learn English to improve their English knowledge and skills. They do not only want to read texts in English, but also to express their thoughts, perception and feelings, in oral or writing, either for their careers, for certain purposes or simply for pleasure fun. English is very important as a tool of communication, which forms one of bridges in effort to achieve knowledge and technology that is why our government through education department has put English into the curriculum of national education as a compulsory subject to be learned at school. In the teaching and learning process the four skills of language can not be separated; they are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Among the four language skills,listening had hardly got the attention of education.Rost in his book about teaching and learning said:
“Teaching methods emphasized productive skill, and the relationship between receptive receptive and productive skill was poorly understood.untilrecently,the nature of listening in the second language was ignored by linguists and it was often assumed that listening skills could be acquired through exposure but not really- thaught. He also point out, listening is vital in language classroom because it provides input for the learner. Without understanding input at the right level, any learning simply cannot begin”. ( Rost, 1994:141). From the writer’s experience when she taught at the of junior high school (SMP) she taught English lesson there and she had ever taught process teaching and learning process with the particular attention to listening using tape or language laboratory. So, learning listening was not maximal and boring. The teacher needs something different to make the students interested in the process teaching and learning with the particular attention listening ability, something which can motivate accomplish such condition, teacher must create various and attractive methods for the class. What should a teacher do if their students get bored? Using whisper game can be alternative solution to handle the problem in the process teaching and learning withthe particular attention listening ability. “WhisperGame as a matter of fact can help and encourage many students to is one name for a game played around the world, in which one person whispers a message to another, in which is passed through a line of people until the last player announces the message to the entire group. Errors typically accumulate in the retellings, so the statement announced by the last player differs significantly, and often amusingly, from the one uttered by the first. Some players also deliberately alter what is being said in order to guarantee a changed message by the end of it(Blackmore, Susan J. (2000)”. Based on the fact, the writer is interested in observing and conducting a research entitled “THE USE OF WHISPER GAME IN THE TEACHING AND LEARNING OF ENGLISH AT THE SEVENTH GRADE OF SMP MUHAMMADIYAH 6 BANJARMASIN WITH THE PARTICULAR ATTENTION TO LISTENING ABILITY SCHOOL YEAR 2011-2012.”

B). Statement of the Problem The problems formulated as follows: 1. What are the problems of the students at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin in teaching and learning English with the particular attention to listening ability? 2. What do factor influence the use whisper game in teaching and learning English at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin?

C.)The objective of research The objective of the study are based on the statement of the problem as follows: 1. To find the students’ listening ability in the processof teaching and learning at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin. 2. To improve listening ability by using whisper game in the process of teaching and learning

D).Significance of the Research The writer hopes that this thesis will be useful to: 1. Students The use of whisper game is a great way to improve the listening ability in listening that they could enjoy following the lesson without taking it too seriously. Moreover by having the situation, they were expected to have an improvement in the listening ability which appeared in their result of the result of the study. 2. Teachers It would give them a description about how to teach and to motivate the students to learn about English especially in listening in the process teaching and learning,they would not be stuck only in the particular teaching and learning process. The use game,in this context”WHISPER GAME”could be a good alternative or variation in the teaching and learning process with particular listening ability,where it would make the students enjoyed following the lesson.
E).Scope of the Problem To clarify the problem, the writer limits these problems in the useof whisper game in the process teaching and learning as a strategy to improve the students listening ability at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin school year 2011-2012.
F.) Assumption An assumption is astatements or a set of statement taken granted as true and correct( Richie, 1976:51). Such assumption is needed as starting point of conducting a research on particular issue. The assumption is needed as starting point of conducting a research on a particular issue. The assumption can be right but it also can be wrong. When the assumption turns to be wrong, it will be abandoned. When it turns out to be right. It is held as a theory. A statement, which stands again ( Ward,1976: 73) The assumptions of this research are: 1. The use of whisper game in the teaching and learning process with the particular attention listening ability. 2. The use of whisper game will give many advantages for teachers and students. G.)Hypothesis A hypothesis is a presupposed relationship between cause and effect which make up a case ( Sheldon, 1980:21). From the above assumption, a set of interrelated hypothesis can be formulated. 1. The more the English teachers use the whisper game inthe teaching and learning process with the particularattention to listening ability will better. 2. The students will be more motivated to learn English teachers use whisper game in the teaching and learning with the particular listening ability.
H.) Method of The Research In this section methods will be presented and explained. Theyare methods of research, methods of data collection, methods of data analysis, methods of drawing conclusion, and methods of writing thesis. 1. Methods of Research The research will be held at the seventh grade of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin. The data collected through a particularly designed research, the research is basically on one-person direct field and the survey is a sequence of direct observation. 2. Methods of Data Collection The survey relies on the twogeneral methods of collecting: a. Observation The activities which are going to be observed arethe process of teaching and learning in the classroom and learning progress that students achieved. In this observation the researcher comes to the SMP Muhammadiyah 6 this researcher only observer the seventh grade students of SMP Muhammadiyah 6 Banjarmasin. The Writer is the observer of situation and condition in the teaching and learning process withthe particular attention listening ability using whisper game. The purpose of observation to improve students’ ability in listening. b. Interview The writergives to the teacher and some students in the process of teaching and learning with the particular attention listening ability by using whisper game. The purpose to solving the problem in listening ability. 3. Methods of Data analysis In this research, the writer uses a qualitative analysis. According to arikunto (1998: 246), there are three steps to analysis descriptive study, they are: 1. Describing the instrument and the data expected from the research. 2. Presenting the factual data found in the research. 3. Interpreting the expected data found in the research. 4.Method of writing This is an S-1 thesis.the basic academic is held as a partial fulfillment to the requirements to obtain the degree ofsarjanapendidikan majoring in the English teaching.this is to say that basically descriptive and qualitative.
I.) Working theory This research is suggested as working theory by kraal(1994):however, listening is considered difficult for the students the evidence that shows why listening is difficult comes mainly from four source:the message to be listened, the speaker, the listener, and the physical setting. And by definition, a working theory is a statement or a set of statements needed to work with a term of reference. The working theory referred to is as follows. “Listening is one of the most important skills to develop when learning another language,but .many students find listening very difficult and challenging, the reasons is that spoken English, like another language, seems too fast to understand in fact, spoken English often sounds different from the way that it is written, students who wish to improve their listening skills need to get used to the quickness of spoken English. They do not need to hear every single sound that is spoken, but they do need to understand to the main points. Students also need to know when a question is being asked and when an opinion is being stated. They should also develop the concentration and confidence required to listen listening is difficult skill to master,but it is not impossible” (Bartelen and Reedy,2002:01).
J).Organization of Thesis The organization of thesis based on this thesis, consists of five chapters, they are: Chapter I : Introduction A. Background B. Statement of the problem C.Objective of research D.Significance of the Research E.Scope of the problem F.Assumption G.Hypothesis H.Method of Research I.Working Theory J.Organization of Thesis Chapter ll : Literature Review Chapter lll : Methodology of Research Chapter lV : Result of Research Chapter V : Closure List of Bibliography Appendices


Terlambat mengatakan...

Wedeww berkunang2 mataku membaca bahasa linggis :)

ninaya mengatakan...

jiahhhh,,,kkkkkkkkkkkkkkk....ini bru bagian proposal looo

Suryanto mengatakan...
Komentar ini telah dihapus oleh pengarang.
Suryanto mengatakan...

permisi...jadi bagaimana dengan skripsinya?
kebetulan saya juga lagi nyari bahan buat whispering games juga...

Unknown mengatakan...

sorry,, if you dont mind,, please let me know "the book whose richie and seldon wrote" I am desperately needed to my biblioghraphy

Anonim mengatakan...

mba,, sy minta tlong untuk buku referendi ttg whispering game. please,,i need it for my thesis....

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