why women cry?

Minggu, 04 Maret 2012

why women cry?
is it look weekness?
in the fact, men do not want to see women cry. its make them spechless. and they think cry look so absurd. that man think if women cry but for women crying is a guns, not guns for war,huhuhuhuhu,,,
but guns for express her feeling, reduce distress and burden...cry is a mark...and usually women crying easily without being embarassed.

and the fact the women feel better after crying, like this,,,more women use temporary of many feeling while men use her minds.

women have more subtle sense than men,for example watching romantic movie made the women cry,while if the men watching romantic movie scenes they thought that was tacky.

lucky me be the woman,huhuhuhuhu...because i have smooth feeling and i can crying without being embarassed. but that doesn't mean that woman can cry without a definite cause...

cry is express her feeling, because the women have sensitive feeling and unique


Shuwat Liong mengatakan...

the fact
all women is weak
thats true beibh

Nabil Seff mengatakan...

kd paham q apa jar terganteng

SHOVYA mengatakan...

women isn't weak.. :p

Gaptek mengatakan...

yes ,,, no woman no cry

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